
Menciones en prensa


The harvest 2014, rated as "Good"

The Rioja Control Board rated as "Good" the vintage 2014, the same evaluation obtained in 2013 campaign, the first with this note after 10 years in which the grades had never dropped "very good" or "excellent". However, since the Control Board quick to highlight differences between the last two seasons, announcing that there is a positive growth since last year. "The results of the vintage 2014 to 2013 improved both quantitatively and qualitatively," says the organization in a note, "after one growing cycle with a very favorable climate, the Rioja vineyards exhibited excellent vegetative and health situation at the end of veraison with expectations of a great harvest in quantity and quality that adverse weather during vintage finish only allowed in part. Just downloaded untimely rains over much of the vineyards encompassed by the term in October have been to blame for the final of the harvest has not attained the highest excellence, causing some points where the grapes are harvested more later than the rest, grapes affected by Botrytis was collected.