Mentions in the press
Bodegas Riojanas treasures more than a century of winemaking tradition in its Cenicero winery. Its corners are steeped in history and talk of the passion for ageing wines that has always permeated it. This tradition and passion have been transmitted to the team that runs Bodegas Riojanas today. Its most precious legacy is its commitment to quality and the personality of its wines: Monte Real, Viña Albina, Puerta Vieja, Gran Albina, Canchales.

"Copas y Rosas" es el título de la obra ganadora del l CONCURSO DE BODEGÓN 2017 organizado por la ASOCIACIÓN FOTOGRÁFICA DE LA RIOJA y con el patrocinio de BODEGAS RIOJANAS. El ganador es Manuel Villatoro Bello, de Castro del Río (Córdoba).
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